Pub Cheese: The Definitive Handbook for Crafting Your Own Delectable Spread

Estimated read time 9 min read

Pub cheese is a delectable and adaptable spread that few can match in terms of taste. Its origins lie within the warm confines of cozy taverns and pubs, but this luscious treat has now gained worldwide popularity. In this article, we shall delve into what pub cheese entails; learn how to make your homemade version effortlessly while offering answers to some frequently asked questions about it.

What is Pub Cheese?

A pretzel dipped in pub cheese.

Pub cheese is a delectable cheese spread that is commonly enjoyed at social gatherings, especially in pub settings. It is renowned for its delightful combination of creamy texture and bold flavors. Pub cheese is typically crafted from cheddar cheese, which serves as its base ingredient. However, what sets pub cheese apart is its incorporation of various flavor-enhancing elements such as garlic, herbs, and occasionally alcoholic beverages like beer or wine. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into the world of pub cheese, exploring its origins, ingredients, flavors, and popular serving methods.

Origins of Pub Cheese

The origins of pub cheese can be traced back to the United States, particularly in regions known for their vibrant pub culture. It is believed to have originated in the early to mid-20th century. While the exact date and location of its creation remain uncertain, pub cheese has gained immense popularity over the years, becoming a staple at bars, parties, and gatherings.

Pub cheese’s roots in American pub culture are intertwined with the rise of communal eating and the desire for flavorful, shareable snacks to accompany drinks. Over time, pub cheese has evolved from a simple cheese spread to a versatile culinary delight with various flavor profiles.

Making Your Own Homemade Pub Cheese Spread

Grated cheese

Creating your own homemade pub cheese spread is not only fun but also allows you to customize flavors to your liking. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

Shredded sharp cheddar cheese2 cups
Unsalted butter (softened)2 tablespoons
Cream cheese (softened)3 tablespoons
Beer (preferably a lager or ale)1/4 cup
Dijon mustard1 teaspoon
Garlic powder1/2 teaspoon
SaltTo taste
PepperTo taste

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create your very own homemade pub cheese spread:

Prepare the Ingredients

Before you begin, make sure your butter, cream cheese, and beer are at room temperature. This will help ensure a smooth and creamy consistency in your pub cheese spread.

Combine Cheese and Butter

In this step, you’ll blend the shredded sharp cheddar cheese and softened unsalted butter in a food processor. This combination forms the base of your spread.

  • Place 2 cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheese in the food processor.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of softened unsalted butter to the cheese.

Blend Until Smooth

Start the food processor and blend the cheese and butter until they become smooth and well combined. This process may take a few minutes, so be patient. The result should be a creamy mixture.

Add Cream Cheese

Now, it’s time to enhance the creaminess and texture of your pub cheese spread by incorporating 3 tablespoons of softened cream cheese into the mixture. Add the cream cheese to the food processor.

Incorporate Beer and Flavorings

To infuse your pub cheese spread with that characteristic pub-like flavor, add beer, Dijon mustard, and garlic powder to the mixture while continuing to blend. These ingredients contribute to the unique taste profile of your spread.

  • Gradually pour 1/4 cup of beer into the food processor while it’s running.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.

Season to Taste

Taste your cheese spread and adjust the flavor to your liking by adding salt and pepper. Remember that different cheddar cheeses and personal preferences may require varying amounts of seasoning. Sprinkle salt and pepper into the food processor according to your preferred level of seasoning, and blend briefly to incorporate the seasonings evenly.


Transfer the freshly made pub cheese spread to a bowl. For the flavors to meld and the spread to firm up, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for at least an hour. This chilling period also allows the flavors to fully develop, resulting in a more harmonious taste.


Once your homemade pub cheese spread has chilled, it’s ready to be served. Pair it with an assortment of accompaniments such as crackers, slices of bread, or fresh veggies for a delightful snack or appetizer.

Tips for Perfect Pub Cheese

To create the perfect pub cheese, attention to detail is essential. Below are some valuable tips and insights to help you craft a delicious and creamy pub cheese that will impress your guests.

Quality Matters

Using high-quality cheddar cheese is the foundation of great pub cheese. Here’s why quality matters:

  • Flavor: High-quality cheddar cheese provides a richer and more complex flavor profile compared to lower-grade alternatives. Look for aged cheddar cheese with a sharp and tangy taste for the best results.
  • Texture: Quality cheese tends to melt and blend more smoothly, resulting in a creamier and more luxurious pub cheese.
  • Color: Premium cheddar cheese typically has a deeper orange hue, which adds to the visual appeal of your pub cheese.

Ensure that your cheddar cheese selection is the best you can find to elevate the overall quality of your pub cheese.

Experiment with Flavors

One of the joys of making pub cheese is the opportunity to experiment with different flavors. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Herbs and Spices: Enhance the flavor of your pub cheese by adding herbs like chives, thyme, or rosemary. Spices such as paprika, cayenne pepper, or garlic powder can also bring exciting dimensions to your creation. Experiment with different combinations to find your ideal flavor profile.
  • Alcohol Infusion: Adding a splash of alcohol, such as beer, whiskey, or brandy, can introduce unique undertones to your pub cheese. The choice of alcohol can significantly impact the taste, so be adventurous and try different options in small batches until you find your perfect match.

Remember that flavor experimentation is a fun and creative process, so don’t hesitate to get creative and personalize your pub cheese to your liking.

Texture is Key

Achieving the right texture in your pub cheese is crucial for a satisfying eating experience. Follow these tips:

  • Creaminess: Pub cheese should be creamy and spreadable. To achieve this, consider using cream cheese as a base, in addition to your cheddar cheese. The ratio of cream cheese to cheddar can be adjusted based on your preference. More cream cheese will result in a creamier texture.
  • Beer or Cream Cheese: The amount of beer or cream cheese you add can be fine-tuned to control the thickness and spreadability of your pub cheese. Start with a small amount and gradually increase as needed. Use a table like the one below to help you achieve your desired consistency:
Texture LevelBeer (Tbsp)Cream Cheese (oz)
Slightly Thick1-21-2

Experiment with these proportions until you reach the perfect texture for your pub cheese.

Pairing Pub Cheese with Other Foods

What is pub cheese if not a perfect partner for various foods? Here are some ideal pairings:

Crackers and Breads

One of the classic choices for pairing with pub cheese is crackers and bread. The crunchiness of these options complements the creamy texture of the cheese perfectly. Consider options such as:

  • Water Crackers: These plain and delicate crackers provide a neutral backdrop, allowing the flavors of the pub cheese to shine.
  • Baguette Slices: Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, baguette slices are an excellent vehicle for spreading pub cheese.


Adding some fresh vegetables to your pub cheese platter can provide a refreshing and healthy contrast. Here are some popular choices:

  • Carrots: Their natural sweetness and crisp texture pair well with the savory and creamy pub cheese.
  • Celery: The mild flavor and crunch of celery sticks make them an ideal accompaniment.
  • Bell Peppers: Vibrant and slightly sweet, bell peppers can offer a colorful and flavorful contrast to your pub cheese.


Adding some cured meats to your pub cheese platter can introduce a savory and salty element that complements the rich flavors of the cheese. Consider options such as:

  • Salami: Its robust and slightly spicy flavor pairs beautifully with the creamy pub cheese.
  • Prosciutto: The delicate and salty nature of prosciutto can create a delightful balance with the cheese.
  • Charcuterie Selection: A variety of charcuterie options, such as chorizo or soppressata, can add depth and diversity to your pairing experience.

Wines and Beers

To enhance the flavors of your pub cheese, consider pairing it with the right beverage. Here are some recommendations:

  • Full-Bodied Beer: Opt for a stout, porter, or a craft beer with malty and robust flavors. The beer’s bitterness and effervescence can complement the creaminess of pub cheese.
  • Robust Wine: Choose a red wine with bold flavors, like a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Merlot. The tannins and fruitiness can contrast nicely with the cheese.

Storing and Serving Your Pub Cheese

Proper storage and serving techniques are essential to ensure your pub cheese maintains its quality and flavor.

  • Storage: Store your pub cheese in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This prevents the cheese from absorbing other odors and maintains its freshness. Ensure the lid is tightly sealed to prevent air from entering.
  • Serving: For the best flavor and texture, allow your pub cheese to reach room temperature before serving. This can take around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the temperature of your kitchen. Cold pub cheese may be firmer and less flavorful, so letting it warm up a bit is worth the wait.


Now that you know what pub cheese is and how to make it at home, you’re all set to impress your guests or simply enjoy a delightful snack. Remember, the beauty of pub cheese lies in its simplicity and versatility, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your flavors.


What is Pub Cheese Used For?

Pub cheese is a versatile spread used for snacking, in sandwiches, or as a part of a charcuterie board.

Can I Use Non-Alcoholic Substitutes in Pub Cheese?

Absolutely! Non-alcoholic beer or broth can be used as substitutes.

How Long Can I Store Homemade Pub Cheese?

Properly stored, it can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator.

Is Pub Cheese Gluten-Free?

Typically, yes, but always check the ingredients, especially the type of beer used.

Can I Freeze Pub Cheese?

Freezing is not recommended as it can alter the texture.

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